
Should anyone wish to publish any of my stories, my contact email is on the blog page.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Order An Intruder Part 19

After a short while Patricia asked “Do you two girls need a bathroom break? It’s getting late now, and it will be probably be your last chance before the morning.”

Both girls nodded. This will extend our breaks, and it might be a good idea if we take as long as possible about it. We may very well might find that our next tie is the situation that we are put in for the rest of the night.

Serena was taken up first by Eva, and then Davinia was taken upstairs by Patricia. When Davinia was led back into the living room, she saw that Serena was already sitting under the frame with her wrists tied to the ropes above the knees. Davinia was made to sit on Serena’s right, before having her knees brought up to her wrists. Patricia took a length of rope and firmly bound Davinia’s wrists to her knees, causing her upper body to be nearly locked into shape.

Eva and Patricia can’t be planning to leave us like this all night, can they? We won’t be able to move about like this, and we can only fall over from this situation.

“Eva, shall I get the frame ready for our helpless captives?” Pat asked.

“Go ahead Pat, I know that you like to get changed for this one, so if you want to do the starting work, then I will then get our stubborn girls ready. I do think that it might be a good idea to blindfold them first, though.” Eva answered.

Patricia walked over to the chairs and picked up the sleep masks, before walking over to Serena. Davinia watched as one of the sleep masks was placed over Serena’s eyes, before Patricia placed the second over Davinia’s eyes, rendering her unable to see.

Davinia listened as Patricia set up the collapsible steps at the frame. Then it sounded like she walked out of the room, and then re-entered carrying something which seemed to chink and clunk as she moved. Then Patricia went up the steps and it sounded like the clinking objects were being placed onto the horizontal structure of the frame.

Davinia was feeling very worried again. What is Patricia putting up there? Is it another device to torture us, or are they just trying to scare us?

Patricia came down the steps, folded them up, and put them to one side. “I’m off to get changed now. I’ll be back down in ten minutes.” she said.

“Okay.” Eva said. “I’m sure you’ll look great.” Davinia listened as Patricia left the room and closed the door behind her.

“Now, my well-tied-wenches, it’s time to reveal what is going to happen to you.” Eva said, before Davinia heard Eva move over to Serena.

A moment later, Serena screamed!

What is it? What made her scream so loudly? Davinia listened as Eva went behind her. I hope I can steel myself for what I am going to see. She tried to prepare herself for what she would see when the blindfold would be taken off.

Davinia felt the sleep mask being removed, and then opened her eyes. She just managed to stifle a scream, but her body was trembling.

She was looking at two sets of four wheel pulleys with a hook at each end! The lower parts were dangling about three feet off the ground, right in front of the two very scared girls!

“Oh yes, ladies. You are to be suspended by your feet in the air. This will be quite a site to watch.” Eva said.

Serena and Davinia both shook their heads, and shouted through their gags at Eva in protest. “It’s your own fault.” Eva said “You are only making yourselves suffer, by not giving us the information that we need. You can stop these torments by telling us what we want to know.”

Eva then took Serena’s feet, lifted them into the air, and hooked the lower pulley to her ankle bonds. Serena then screamed and struggled every time Eva pulled on the rope hanging from the upper pulley. First Serena was pulled underneath the pulley, and then she was hoisted into the air, inch by fearful inch, until she was at least three feet off the ground. By this time, Serena stopped struggling and screaming, but she was now shaking and constantly whimpering. Finally Eva tied off the rope to one of the holes on the vertical part next to Serena.

“Serena darling, all you have to do is tell me. Please, tell me and end this suffering that you inflict on yourself.” Eva said “Why do you go on if you are so scared?”

Serena can’t tell you anything, because there is nothing to tell you! Can’t you understand? We told you the truth!

“Now it’s your turn, my sweet little Davinia.” Eva said as she walked over to Davinia’s side of the frame, lifted her feet up, and hooked the other pulley to Davinia’s ankles. “Going up.” Davinia squealed and protested as her centre of gravity was moved closer and closer under the frame, every time that Eva pulled on the rope. Then she shook her head and cried out as she was lifted slowly off the ground. This is horrible, please don’t do this!

Eva looked at Davinia without any mercy in her eyes. “I’m not doing this to you, you are doing it to yourself.” she said. “Tell me, and you will stop this. You choose to have this continue, so it isn’t my fault.” Eva then tied off the rope that was used to lift up Davinia.

Eva then picked up the riding crop that Davinia had used on Serena this morning. “I think that this should be used on your bottoms, while you are stuck like this. It promises to be quite a spectacle, well it will be for us. Anyway, time to remove your sight. That will make this much more fun.”

Davinia and Serena begged and pleaded at Eva, but Eva picked up the sleep masks and placed one over Serena’s eyes, and the other over Davinia’s preventing her from seeing what was going to happen.

“I think that I have a little time before Pat gets back downstairs, so let’s have a bit of fun first.” Davinia heard Serena scream and then whimper.

What has Eva done to her? A moment later, Davinia herself let out a piercing scream as she felt a push to her body that set her swinging back and forth. This is absolutely terrifying! I feel like I’m going to fall! Please stop Eva, please!

“This is so much fun girls, seeing you like this. I could do this all day.” The two helpless girls cried out every time that they were pushed by Eva, and it felt like they were swinging more and more.

Soon though, Eva slowly stopped the pair from swinging, bringing them to a halt. “I have to keep you still for when Pat comes down.”

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. “Come in Pat.” Eva said loudly.

Davinia heard the door open and someone walk into the room. “You always look breathtaking in that outfit, Pat. It makes you look very dominating.”

“Thanks, Eva. I feel very dominating in this. Our two captives look a bit highly strung at the moment. I take it that you had no trouble hanging them up like this?” Patricia asked.

“It was no trouble at all.” Eva answered. “I also hadn’t told them that they would be hanging like this all night.” At this Davinia and Serena begged and shook their heads wildly. “Well, you know now, don’t you. This is your fault, by not giving us our information.”

“Pat, here’s the riding crop that they were using before we arrived, would you like to whip their pretty bottoms first?” Eva asked.

“Thanks Eve. You just sit and watch while I warm their butts up. Remember captives, you can stop this at any time.”

Davinia heard Serena scream before she herself screamed at the touch of the crop. They’re beating us with alternate blows again. OOOWW! Both of the girls were screaming and wriggling in their bonds, but any action that they made was ineffective.

Blow after blow landed on the girls’ derrieres, inflicting an almost constant suffering on their helpless bodies.

After a while the blows stopped. “It’s your turn now, Eva.” Patricia said.

A few seconds after that, the blows started again, even harder this time. Davinia now felt like her bottom was on fire and she cried out at every blow.

This is sheer torture now, but I still don’t know the name of the item! I can’t give you what you want!

After some time, the blows stopped. “Maybe their panties should be pulled down and their bottoms exposed, Eva. After all, we are punishing them for being bad.” Patricia said.

Davinia screamed as her panties were pulled down, exposing her already painful posterior. She heard Serena scream next, indicating that the same had happened to her.

“One more round each, Pat.” Eva said. “Then we can leave them like this for the night and come down the next morning. You can go first”

Davinia screamed as her poor suffering backside was inflicted to even more painful indignity. Again her screams were almost echoed by Serena as she received harsher punishment as well.

Then the whipping stopped. “It’s your last turn, Eva. Then we can retire for the night. Davinia heard Serena scream before she felt her own bottom feel the pain of the crop.

Again, this went on for a while, Davinia wishing she had never played that game four weeks ago. Finally the punishment stopped for the last time.

“I think that it’s time to go to bed now, Eve.” said Patricia, “I don’t think we can do much more tonight. We can start with these two before breakfast in the morning.”

“It’s a pity that you are not answering us, girls. Maybe hanging upside down like this all night will loosen your tongues.” Eva said menacingly. The two girls begged for Eva not to do this to them, but again, it was pointless.

“Maybe you should take their sleep masks off and look them straight in the eye, Eve. That might work.” Patricia said. “Try Serena first.”

“Okay, I’ll give them one last chance before we go to bed.” Davinia heard some rustling to her right. “Serena, are you going to tell me?” Eva asked. There was just begging and pleading from Serena. “That’s a pity. You must want to stay like this all night.”

Davinia now felt her own sleep mask being taken off again. “Now Davinia, I’m sure that you don’t want to stay like this all night. If you give us the information, you and your friend can even sleep in a nice comfortable bed.”

All Davinia could do was beg at Eva, as there was nothing else that she could do. “Okay.” Eva said. “You two shouldn’t be stuck like this for more than seven hours, unless we oversleep. Come on Pat, we’re just wasting our time.” Eva now headed for the door, with Patricia following her.

It was then that Davinia managed to get a sight of Patricia’s changed outfit. It was a pair of black stiletto calf length boots, a black leather miniskirt, and a gorgeous red top which Patricia was ‘nearly falling out of’.

I’ve seen that outfit before! It’s from an episode of ‘Everybody loves Raymond’ where she dressed in a very sexy manner. I’ve even got that episode on DVD upstairs next to my PC, and it’s the only one I have. Wait, that particular Everybody Loves Raymond DVD... Oh SHIT! That’s it, that’s the item that they want!.

By this time, Eva had already left the room and Patricia had just turned out the lights by the door. By the time Davinia got her wits together to grunt loudly three times, the door was already closing.

OMG! She didn’t hear me! Patricia didn’t even notice me call for her. We’re now going to spend the next seven hours stuck like this, suffering in our bondage. If only I had remembered five seconds earlier! Now we are condemned to this torment for the night!

Davinia began to sob quietly in her suspension...

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